
Signs to Stop Your Diet: When Your Cholesterol Level Rises

If your cholesterol level rises… one of the signs that you should stop the diet.

Posted on 02/29/2024 at 11:40 am Posted on 02/29/2024 at 11:40 am Modified on 02/29/2024 at 11:48 am Views 4

I try my best to lose weight, but the visible results are minimal and there are times when I feel like something is wrong. Find out the signs that tell you that you need to stop losing weight now. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Losing weight is never easy. Even if you create a healthy routine and eating plan and make changes to your lifestyle, you need to stick with it for the long term. There’s a lot of pressure. If you don’t see the results you want quickly, or if there is change and then stagnation, you lose strength. You also lose motivation to diet. If you’re pushing yourself hard, but the numbers on the scale change only slightly and your body feels like something’s wrong, it might be time to stop what you’re doing.

What are some signs that you should stop losing weight now? If you feel the following from time to time, stop dieting.

“I’m eating healthy, but I feel like I’m hungrier?”

If you feel hungry even after eating a good amount of food throughout the day, it could be a sign that it’s time to change your current eating strategy. If you’re always hungry, you may not be eating enough. Although reducing calories is necessary when losing weight, eating too little is harmful to your body. You can try recording everything you eat. Compare what you should be consuming each day to see what’s missing from your current diet. If you’re currently eating too few calories, try adding a nutritious snack or protein to satisfy your hunger.

“I’m losing weight, but why is my cholesterol level rising?”

The biggest sign that it may be time to stop dieting is when your eating habits begin to negatively affect other aspects of your health. For example, if you follow a low-carb, high-fat, high-protein diet, you may make the mistake of overly limiting fruits and whole grains. This results in insufficient consumption of dietary fiber. Since our body needs soluble fiber, which helps control cholesterol, we need to check if we are limiting carbohydrates too much.

“I sleep well and nothing happens, but why do I feel tired?”

If you feel too tired even after a good night’s sleep, your diet may be the cause. Controlling your eating habits may be the key to solving this problem. Most low-calorie diets require you to drastically reduce calories, which can cause fatigue. If you feel constantly tired and think your current diet is to blame, count how often you eat. Feeling lethargic may mean you aren’t eating often enough. You should also eat carbohydrates and proteins at every meal.

“I was fine before, but I seem to lose more energy every time I exercise?”

For a healthy diet, eating habits and exercise are usually combined. Whatever the reason for your diet, exercise is essential for improving your overall health. However, if you follow unreasonable eating habits without considering your physical condition, you will lose energy and have difficulty exercising properly. If you feel sluggish during exercise, aren’t recovering quickly enough, and aren’t seeing results from your overall effort, it may be due to a lack of adequate nutrition, especially carbohydrates. Make sure you consume enough complex carbohydrates and high-quality proteins.

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