
Health Net “To prevent joints from getting stuck, nutritionist: not only calcium supplement but also “these” – Free Health Net

Want to prevent joint jams? Nutritionists recommend supplementing vitamins D and C. Such as: egg yolk (left) contains vitamin D; guava contains vitamin C. (The picture is taken from freepik; synthesized by Health Network)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]”Joint stagnation” is usually caused by long-term wear and tear, and it is common in the elderly, obese people, and those who often bear weight. In this regard, nutritionist Peng Yishan pointed out in a Facebook fan page “Love Health Nutritionist Shanshan” that maintaining joint health is related to soft tissue and bones. The nutrients that can be supplemented include: calcium, Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins D, C . She suggested that you should not wait until the joints are stuck before taking care of them, and you should start with your daily diet.

●Calcium:Calcium is closely related to the health of bones and teeth. Calcium-rich fresh milk, tofu and dried fish can be supplemented.

●Omega-3 fatty acids:Omega-3 can help fight inflammation, supplemented by mackerel and saury.

●Vitamin D:When supplementing calcium, you can consume foods rich in vitamin D, such as egg yolks and salmon, to enhance calcium absorption.

●Vitamin C:Vitamin C promotes the growth of connective tissue and can be obtained through guava and grapefruit.

Peng Yat-Shan also reminded everyone that maintaining an ideal body shape and exercising regularly to maintain muscle strength can help reduce the burden on joints.

In addition, the National Health Service added that according to sports biomechanics research, when walking, running or jumping, the force on the joints of the lower limbs is the greatest at the moment of landing. At this time, it is most likely to be overloaded and cause injury. If the muscles around the joints cannot assist in absorbing the impact , are more prone to injury. Therefore, for those who are heavier, you can choose sports with less instantaneous impact, such as: riding a flywheel instead of a treadmill, or exercising in water, using the buoyancy of water to reduce the impact.

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