
ICQ is formally closed: the ultimate chapter of 28 years of instantaneous messaging and the top of an Web period – – Instructing Analysis – Apps Intelligence


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Simon Chan

| 25-05-2024 15:16 | |

Prompt messaging software program ICQ introduced that it’ll formally shut on June 26, 2024, ending its 28-year working historical past. This information is undoubtedly a nostalgic and mawkish second for a lot of customers who’ve used ICQ. Many netizens shared their recollections with ICQ on social media and lamented the top of an period.

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In line with Bleeping Laptop, ICQ will formally stop operations on June 26, 2024. ICQ (taken from the homophonic pronunciation of the English “I Search You”) was launched by the Israeli firm Mirabilis in 1996 and have become the primary mass-popular instantaneous messaging software program. Within the rising period, ICQ shortly received the favor of customers around the globe with its easy operation interface and instantaneous messaging features. Customers can conduct one-on-one or group chats by way of ICQ, and the software program additionally supplies features corresponding to file switch and voice calls.

The variety of ICQ customers grew quickly. By 1998, the variety of ICQ customers had exceeded 10 million. This achievement made it a milestone within the historical past of the Web, and likewise triggered the competitors to mimic and develop different instantaneous messaging instruments. In 1998, ICQ was acquired by America On-line (AOL) for US$407 million, turning into a scorching matter within the know-how world at the moment.

Market Competitors and Transformation

Though ICQ was as soon as highly regarded, with the event of Web know-how and intensified market competitors, ICQ was step by step changed by subsequent instantaneous messaging instruments corresponding to MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, and later Fb Messenger, WhatsApp, and so on. These rising merchandise proceed to innovate when it comes to performance and person expertise, inflicting ICQ’s market share to step by step shrink.

ICQ has tried to win again customers by way of a number of updates and have upgrades, however the outcomes have been unsatisfactory. In 2010, the Russian Web firm Group (now VK) acquired ICQ from AOL, hoping to revive this traditional model. Nonetheless, with the speedy popularization of cell Web and the rise of social media, ICQ’s person base remains to be troublesome to get better.

【Associated information】

Supply:Bleeping Laptop

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