
Korean family who died while hiking in the US The cause of death was ‘heat stroke’… “Dehydration at 42℃”

Died two months ago while hiking in Yosemite National Park… The cell phone was not working at the time of the disaster.

↑ A sheriff in Mariposa County, California, explains the results of the investigation. / Photo = Yonhap News

As a result of the investigation, it was concluded that the cause of death of a Korean family member found as a mysterious body on a hiking trail in the western United States this summer was heat stroke.

According to CNN reports yesterday (22nd) local time, the Mary Po County Sheriff’s Office in California, US, found Jonathan Garysh (45), his wife Ellen Jung (30), and one-year-old daughter Mijoo Jeong Garysh, who died in August. The cause of death was determined to be heat stroke and dehydration caused by the external environment.

The family was found dead along with their dog on a remote hiking trail near Yosemite National Park on August 17th.

Since there were no gunshot wounds or blunt wounds to them, and no suicide note was found, the US media reported their deaths as suspicious.

For this reason, investigative authorities have been conducting extensive investigations, opening various possibilities, such as the possibility of death from exposure to toxic substances of green algae identified in the river near the death site, and the possibility of poisoning from an abandoned mine near the hiking trail.

After two months of investigation, the sheriff’s office said that on the day of the accident, the family had almost finished climbing the 12.9km-long trail, but could not overcome the high temperature, steep terrain, and insufficient shade.

On the afternoon of the day they were climbing, the temperature at the accident site reached 41.7 to 42.8 degrees Celsius, and it was not possible to call for rescue because the cell phone did not go off.

NS. In addition, considering that the 2.5L water tank was empty at the time of discovery, it was determined that the cause of death was related to high temperature.

In a statement, the bereaved family said, “The question of why[they]died will never be revealed and will be left with us. Wherever we go, whatever we do, they will remain with us.” I did.

