
Misconceptions About Certain Foods Leading to Avoidance: Debunking Myths and Highlighting Benefits

This is due to the misconception that it is the cause of adult obesity and disease.

Posted on 05.09.2024 at 10:03 Posted on 05.09.2024 at 10.03 Modified on 05.09.2024 at 09.18 Views 18

Some people avoid peanut butter because it is high in fat, but it is considered a healthy food because it contains mostly unsaturated fatty acids and is rich in various nutrients. [사진=클립아트코리아]Although there are many ingredients that are good for health, there are foods that people avoid. This is because there is a misconception that it is the cause of adult obesity and disease due to misinformation.

However, scientific research results show that these foods are beneficial for improving health when consumed in moderation. We looked at the foods people unnecessarily avoid introduced by the American food and nutrition media “EatingWell”.

peanut butter=Eating peanut butter is known to cause obesity. It’s true that peanut butter is high in fat. But this is not the cause of all obesity.

Gaining and losing weight and body fat fundamentally depends on calorie balance. Peanut butter is rich in antioxidants and proteins, and is also rich in various amino acids, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, which promote metabolism, improve immunity and help beautify the skin.

However, as mentioned above, since it is high in fat, it should be consumed in moderation to control weight. One or two tablespoons (90 calories) per day are sufficient. Also, people allergic to peanuts should never consume them because they could be fatal.

egg=The yolk is cited as the culprit in creating dietary cholesterol. However, medical experts point out that saturated fats and trans fats are more likely to raise blood cholesterol than dietary cholesterol.

The yolk contains lutein and zeaxanthin. These ingredients are known to reduce the risk of vision loss and blindness due to aging.

corner=Many people point out that it does not contain many nutrients. However, one cup of corn kernels contains 4 grams of fiber. Like other yellow or green vegetables, corn is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which are beneficial for eye health.

bread= They say it is bad for the body because it contains many carbohydrates. The bread isn’t actually bad, but bread made from refined grains is a problem. Bread made with whole grains is not problematic and is actually beneficial to your health.

Instead of bread made with white flour, it is best to replace it with 100% wholemeal or other wholemeal bread. There are countless studies that show that eating whole grains is beneficial to your health.

beef= It is known to be high in saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, so people who care about their hearts should avoid it. However, lean oil-free meat is a low-fat food rich in protein and iron.

There are several types of steak, including filet, sirloin, and strip. Just choose one with relatively little marbling (fat).

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