
The Health Benefits of Spinach and Kale: Slowing Aging and Improving Lung, Bone, and Eye Health

Delays aging and improves lung, bone and eye health

Posted on 25.12.2023 08:10 Views 3 Posted on 25.12.2023 08:10 Edited 25.12.2023 08:11 Views 3 Spinach is rich in beta-carotene, which slows down aging and is useful for improving lung function. It is also rich in lutein, which contributes to eye protection. [사진=클립아트코리아]

Green vegetables contain many nutrients that are good for the body. These include antioxidant nutrients and phytochemicals that have a cancer disease prevention effect. Among these, spinach and kale are among the most popular. What nutrients are included?

Nutrients?… Fresher fruits and vegetables than factory-made supplements

Antioxidants inhibit the harmful oxidation and aging process in the body. These include vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A and its predecessors, carotenoids and selenium. It reduces free radicals harmful to the body, inhibits the action of carcinogens and prevents damage to cells and DNA. According to the National Cancer Information Center, antioxidants are more effective at preventing disease and cancer when consumed through natural fruits or vegetables rather than factory-made nutritional supplements.

Slows aging and improves lung function… Helps with eye and bone health in middle age

Kale is considered one of the green vegetables rich in beta-carotene. It has a powerful antioxidant effect that slows aging, improves lung function and has an anti-tumor effect (data from the National Cancer Information Center). Recently, lung cancer in women is increasing, so we need to be careful about secondhand smoke and food. It is rich in lutein, which supports eye health and helps prevent and control conditions such as macular degeneration and glaucoma, which can lead to blindness. It is rich in vitamin K, which helps blood clotting and bones. It is also rich in calcium and magnesium, which contribute to bone health in middle-aged women.

If you serve it with apples, lemons and pineapple… It reduces bitterness and increases nutrients

Kale is primarily consumed as a wrap or salad vegetable. It has a unique bitter taste, so eat it with apples, lemons, pineapple, etc. can improve texture and increase nutrients. You can eat kale by spreading dressing on it or by lightly boiling it and eating it as a vegetable. However, when heat is applied, many healthy nutrients such as vitamins can be destroyed, so it is best to eat it raw if possible.

Kale and spinach have the right combination of nutrients… Why it is better to lightly fry in oil

Spinach is also rich in beta-carotene, which may have a synergistic effect in delaying aging and improving lung health. It also contains lots of lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes, so it pairs well with kale. Especially if you have difficulty seeing at night, it is helpful to regularly eat spinach, which is rich in vitamin A. Lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene and vitamin A, which are good for eye health, are all fat-soluble and they dissolve in the oil. If you lightly fry the spinach in oil or sprinkle it with sesame seeds, it will be better absorbed by your body.

Spinach contains oxalic acid (oxalic acid), so eating large amounts of it may increase the risk of urethral stones. You can evaporate the bitter oxalic acid by adding salt to boiling water and blanching it briefly with the lid open. Eating spinach can also increase calcium absorption. Adding sesame seeds can reduce oxalic acid and increase calcium.

Journalist Kim Yong

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