
Revolutionizing Treatments for Male Menopause Syndrome: The Latest Insights from the Korean Menopause Society

Treatment Options for Chronic Fatigue in Middle-Aged Menopausal Patients Presented at Korean Menopause Society Conference

As people reach middle age, many experience the challenges of menopausal syndrome, leading to chronic fatigue and a decline in overall body function. While women’s menopause is often a focus, men also undergo hormone-related changes that can result in fatigue and decreased body function. Despite seeking medical help, many find it difficult to address these symptoms, causing significant stress and discomfort.

The Korean Menopause Society recently introduced various treatment options for menopausal patients suffering from chronic fatigue at their fall academic conference. Among these treatments, testosterone therapy was highlighted as a potential option for patients with decreased sexual function.

Diagnosing Male Menopause Syndrome

Menopause syndrome in males can be diagnosed when there are at least two of the following symptoms: physical changes, mood fluctuations, and reduced sexual function. Additionally, a comprehensive testosterone test is used to measure testosterone levels in the blood to confirm the diagnosis.

During the conference, Professor Kim Young-canu from the Department of Family Medicine at Bundang Hospital CHA emphasized the importance of proper hormone testing. These tests should be conducted in the morning to ensure accurate results, while high-stress periods should be avoided due to their impact on hormone levels.

Treatment Options

Treatment for male menopause syndrome may include hormonal therapy using testosterone injections for a period of 6 months to 1 year. The goal is to maintain a targeted blood testosterone concentration through regular monitoring.

Additionally, supplementing with nutrients such as arginine, zinc, and vitamin D can aid in symptom improvement, particularly for patients with obesity, as obesity can impact testosterone levels and hormonal regulatory functions.

While testosterone treatment has shown to be beneficial for some patients, caution is advised for those with specific medical conditions, such as prostatitis, prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease, or sleep problems. Furthermore, young men are advised to avoid long-term testosterone treatment due to potential side effects on testicle size and fertility.

For patients undergoing hormonal treatment, common side effects such as acne, folliculitis, and gynecomastia may occur due to hormonal changes.

Other Perspectives

Other presenters at the conference discussed the underlying causes of chronic fatigue in menopausal patients, including reduced hormone secretion, metabolic function, and nervous system imbalances.

The conference shed light on the complexities of menopausal syndrome and offered valuable insights into addressing chronic fatigue and related symptoms in middle-aged patients.

Introducing treatments for middle-aged chronic fatigue patients in the Korean Menopause Society

Entered 2023.12.13 18:10 Views 6 Entered 2023.12.13 18:10 Modified 2023.12.13 17:07 Views 6

People who experience menopause syndrome as they reach middle age feel chronic fatigue and their overall body function declines despite not having a specific disease. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]There are many people who experience menopause syndrome as they reach middle age. Women’s menopause is usually the focus of attention, but men also experience chronic fatigue and general body function declines when they go through menopause, even if they don’t have a specific disease. Even after going to hospital, many people are unable to find any solution and complain of significant stress and pain.

The Korean Menopause Society presented various treatment options for menopausal patients suffering from chronic fatigue at the fall academic conference held on the 10th.

In the case of ‘decrease in sexual function’, testosterone treatment is required after a hormone test.

Male menopause syndrome can be diagnosed when a person experiences at least two of the following symptoms due to menopause: physical changes, mood changes, and reduced sexual function, and the concentration of testosterone in the blood is low in a comprehensive testosterone test (TT ).

There are a few things to keep in mind when doing hormone tests. Professor Kim Young-canu from the Department of Family Medicine at Bundang Hospital CHA focused on treatments related to male menopause syndrome and also mentioned precautions during examination.

Tests for male hormones must be carried out in the morning, and periods of high stress should be avoided. This is because testosterone secretion and blood concentration have a significant effect on sleep and stress. Therefore, the hormone concentration is highest in the morning immediately after sleep, and as the night goes on, the blood concentration gradually decreases, making it difficult to get test results correct Similarly, if the test was taken during a stressful period, a retest may be necessary.

Treatment for male menopause syndrome includes hormonal treatment using testosterone injections for 6 months to 1 year. The goal is to maintain the blood testosterone concentration at 500 to 700 ng / DL (nanogram per deciliter) by re-examination every month or once every three months.

During the treatment process, supplementing with nutrients such as arginine, which produces nitric oxide (NO) and improves blood vessel dilation, or zinc and vitamin D, which helps produce pituitary hormones, can help improve symptoms.

Professor Kim also emphasized the need for active treatment, especially for patients with obesity. This is because if you are obese, your blood concentration of the male hormone testosterone is likely to be low. Obesity affects hormone regulatory functions, so even if the body secretes testosterone normally, the amount that is converted to estrogen, a female hormone, increases.

Professor Kim Young-of Family Medicine at CHA Bundang Hospital gave a presentation at the fall conference of the Korean Menopause Society on the 10th. Photo = Reporter Choi Ji-hyeon.

Testosterone treatment should be avoided in cases like this!

There are some patients who need to be careful about the side effects and treatment of testosterone treatment. Professor Kim pointed out, “When treating menopausal syndrome that does not aim to improve sexual function, it is better not to use hormone treatment,” adding, “If the effect of improving symptoms is insufficient even on after 12 months of hormone treatment, it is necessary to stop it and use a functional medicine approach.” he did

In addition, patients with prostatitis, prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease, or sleep problems need to refrain from testosterone treatment. This is because there have been reports in the past that testosterone injections cause these diseases, so caution is needed. However, he added, “Recent studies lean towards the conclusion that the medical basis for these cases is thin.”

If you are a relatively young man, it is best to avoid hormone treatment. This is because clinical reports show that long-term testosterone treatment reduces testicle size by around 5%. Although the size of the testicles partially improves after a month of stopping treatment, Professor Kim recommended that young men should refrain from treatment due to the possibility of pregnancy.

Professor Kim also added that patients need not worry too much because physical and mood changes due to hormonal changes during the treatment process are common side effects. Side effects include acne, folliculitis, and gynecomastia.

Meanwhile, in the same session on this day, △Director Lee Sang-hoon (family medicine specialist) of Gangnam GC Green Cross iMed Center Functional Medicine Clinic and △Professor Seo Eun-kyung of Gangnam Chaum Detox Slimming Center presented chronic fatigue in menopausal patients. .

These presenters stated that the main causes of chronic fatigue in menopausal patients are △ reduced mitochondrial function (reduced metabolic function) due to reduced secretion of sex hormones (estrogen or testosterone) △ reduced secretion of adrenal hormones such as cortisol (adrenal fatigue) and autonomic. imbalance in the nervous system Reference was made to the effects of △ detoxification metabolism of the liver due to changes in the intestinal micro-organisms (microbiome) and the effects of the brain as a result of reduced nerve function.

Commemorative photo (above) of the fall conference of the Korean Menopause Society held on the 10th and Chairman Oh Han-jin of the Korea Menopause Society (Department of Family Medicine, Eulji University Hospital) giving an opening speech. [사진=대한갱년기학회]

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